HOME > Member Commissions
iTalkBB offers highly competitive rewards to Members who refer customers to join iTalkBB.

Based on the Member's performance, rewards are classified into four levels, which are Base Points, Monthly Sales Bonus Points, Inventory Sales Bonus Points, and Residual Bonus Points. Your commission is positively correlated with your effort. Points and other rewards are paid on time every month.

iTalkBB's direct sales will not be your competitor. We will continue to make an effort to heighten iTalkBB's brand awareness among Korean customers through various marketing activities.

To support our Member's business, iTalkBB offers more competitive prices to Member's customers than iTalkBB's direct sales. Also, iTalkBB provides complete e-commerce platform and online advertising support to our Members, which will help you achieve better performance with less effort. You can enjoy all these privileges and advantages as a Premier Program Member.

For more information, please call 1-877-482-5565(Office hour: Mon-Fri 10:00am to 6:30pm EST).